JUSTconnect is a community learning and sharing platform for Caribbean judges and judiciary professionals.

      JUSTconnect is a project of the Judiciaries of the Caribbean working with the Caribbean Anti-Crime Program which is funded by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and managed by the National Center for State Courts.  

     JUSTconnect delivers a regional approach to judicial education, starting with a pilot involving the judiciaries of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Guyana. 

     With JUSTconnect, regional judicial professionals will be able to participate in live online training as well as self-paced courses.  Users will be able to share content with colleagues, conduct regional meetings of Judicial Education Institutes, participate in online discussion forums, and assess progress. 

     Judicial Education Institutes will also have the ability to invite other judicial professionals to participate in their online training.

     Sharing and collaboration is what makes JUSTconnect a valuable tool in combating regional issues like money laundering and other financial crimes, case management, human trafficking, gun and drug smuggling, child law and family law; hence, increasing regional security.

    By reducing the costs associated with traveling for training, this initiative will make training more accessible. This will promote increased participation in legal education courses that will ultimately improve judicial professionalism.  This will also build the capacity of national judicial education institutes through regional collaboration and sharing of lessons learned.

     On behalf of the Judiciaries of the Caribbean , the US Dept of State’s INL, and NCSC, and all the welcome to JUSTconnect – innovation in virtual judicial education.